Auteur: LymphChip
Once every ten years the Willy van Heumen lifetime achievement award is presented to a researcher with a special track record in research to Replace, Reduce and Refine animal studies.
On December 12, 2023 Sue Gibbs was awarded with this price for her scientific contribution to reduce the use of animals for experiments, to educate students and young researchers on animal-free methods and to communicate to increase awareness and visibility of animal-free alternatives.
For more information see:
Create2Solve grant
In May 2023, LymphChip organized Helpathon #8 asking help to find animal-free alternatives for serum and Matrigel. As a direct result of this Helpathon, an application was submitted to the Create2Solve Phase 1 call of ZonMw to optimize and standardize methods to produce serum and Matrigel free iPSC derived immune competent intestine: Immuno-Gut.
Immuno-Gut got granted and the aim is to develop methods and carry out an and inter-laboratory validation study to obtain robust data for animal free production of immune competent iPSC derived intestine organoids. In Phase 1 products will be...
Monitoring organs-on-chip: a story by Massimo Mastrangeli
This year Massimo Mastrangeli was appointed as Associate Professor at TU Delft.
In his research he exploits his knowledge on microelectronics to create a home for human cells outside the human body. With a combination of soft and hard materials an environment is created to host cells or tissues, the chip. Stimulation of these cells or tissues with electricity, motion, mechanical power and chemicals allow them to grow and mature and function as a mini organ. Moreover, the chips are equipped to record signals to monitor the cells and tissues. To be able to see what is happening inside the...
2nd Annual Meeting LymphChip
On October 30-31 the second Annual Meeting of LymphChp was hosted by VUMC in Amsterdam.
In total 39 members of LymphChip attended the program representing the academic partners, co-financing partners and the Advisory Board.
The first day consisted of news updates on behalf of all the work packages. Most attendees joined for dinner that evening. On the second day invited lectures were given by representatives from industry and the Advisory Board followed by break-out sessions on topics selected on the spot and relating to technological and biological challenges. The newly designed...
First research paper LymphChip published
Ulgu Arslan, Christine Mummery, Valeria Orlova and co-authors have published the first research paper of LymphChip entitled “Vascularized hiPSC-derived 3D cardiac microtissue on chip”.
The paper has been published in Stem Cell Reports and is publicly available. This paper was also featured on the cover of the July 11, 2023 issue.
Please find the publication here:
Pratik Tawade is selected for the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings in Physiology and Medicine.
The KNAW has nominated Pratik Tawade as a young scientist to participate in the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings in Physiology and Medicine. This meeting will occur from 25-30 June 2023 in Lindau, Germany.
Since its foundation in 1951, the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings have developed into a unique international scientific forum. The annual meetings provide an opportunity for an exchange between different generations, cultures, and disciplines. Once every year, around 40 Nobel laureates convene in Lindau to meet the next generation of leading scientists worldwide.
You can...
Helpathon LymphChip
From May 22-24 LymphChip will organize a Helpathon in the O2 Building of VUmc.
If you want to help Sue, Margot, Valeria, Jasper and Germaine finding animal-free alternatives for FCS and Matrigel please sign up via this link.
All help, both negative and positive results are welcome.
For more information please see here.
3rd prize for Theano Tsikari of LymphChip at hDMT meeting
The annual meeting of hDMT was held in Amersfoort and attracted may researchers from the organ-on-chip field. As part of the program a PhD student Spotlight competition was organized to give PhD students the opportunity to present their research with a short video.
3rd Technology Seminar on the generation of phenotypic assays
Sei Hien Lim from AIM Biotech gave a seminar to illustrate the applications of their idenTx and organiX plates in the fields of oncology, immune-oncology, vascular biology and neurobiology.
Autumn Tour LymphChip
From September 20 till October 26, in total 18 PhD students, postdocs and technicians of the academic partners of LymphChip joined a tour consisting of site visits to all the academic labs.
Annual Meeting LymphChip
On October 20-21 the Annual Meeting of LymphChip was hosted by VUMC in Amsterdam. In total 36 members of LymphChip participated representing the academic partners, co-financing partners and the Advisory Board. All the work packages presented their results and future plans.
2nd Technology Seminar on the use of Primo
Hélène Delobel from Alvéole presented a technology seminar on the use of Primo for photopatterning applications with many practical examples as published in the literature. Dhanesh Kasi from LUMC shared his experience with Primo further highlighting the advantage of the use of Primo to prototype chip designs and engineer microvascular networks.
Optics11 Naointender at LUMC
We are thrilled with Chiaro Nanointender installed in our PRIMO (Alveolé) microfabrication lab at LUMC. We look forward to exploring the mechanical properties of engineered heart tissues and hydrogels as a part of the LymphChip project.
1st Technology Seminar on Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Vincent Laban, co-founder and CEO of Nostics partner of LymphChip presented a technology seminar on their Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy technology. This Technology Seminar was the first in a series where the industrial partners of LymphChip present their technology to the members of LymphChip.