Department of Microelectronics, Delft University of Technology
Open PhD student position in
Si/polymer-based Organs-on-Chip technology
Within the LymphChip project funded by NWO, the ECTM group at TU Delft is looking for an enthusiastic and motivated PhD student to investigate and develop innovative sensors and microactuators for Organs-on-Chip devices.
OoCs are microfluidic cell culture devices that recapitulate in vivo-like microenvironments to support the expression of properties and functions of human tissues and organs. Such microphysiological systems represent more realistic models than existing in vitro cell cultures, and thus should enhance pre-clinical screening of the effect of drugs and other compounds on the human body. Building on top of prior OoC knowledge and expertise matured at ECTM, and in the context of the highly multi-disciplinary LymphChip consortium, in the LymphChip project we will be devising integrated sensing and actuation solutions to stimulate and monitor immunocompetent models of organs in microfabricated devices.
The available PhD position will entail the technological development and integration of:
- Sensors for on-line monitoring of tissues & microenvironmental conditions
- Microactuators for tissue stimulation (e.g., mechanic, electric, magnetic)
- Electronic readout and peripheral circuitry to extract relevant physiological signals
Candidates with strong interest and experience in micro/nanofabrication, materials engineering and bioengineering are encouraged to apply or enquire further by contacting Dr. Massimo Mastrangeli (
A Master degree in electronic or biomedical engineering, material science or related fields, besides fluency in English, is required to apply for these positions.
Applications should include the candidate’s curriculum vitae, motivation letter and list of potential references.