Kick-off Immuno-Gut (spin-off LymphChip Helpathon)
The kick-off meeting of Immuno-Gut took place on March 28, 2024 at the Mirai House home of the Department of Anatomy and Embryology of LUMC.
This project is financed with a phase 1 Create2Solve grant from ZonMw and aims at the optimization and standardization of methods to produce serum and Matrigel free iPSC derived immune competent intestine via an intra- and inter-laboratory validation study. Sue Gibbs from Amsterdam UMC, location VUMc coordinates this project in a collaboration with LUMC and NCardia.
The foundation for this project was laid during the LymphChip Helpathon #8 on finding animal-free alternatives for fetal calf serum and Matrigel that was held in May 2023 in Amsterdam.
During this kick-off Initial results were shared and action points were discussed.
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