The consortium is formed by hDMT researchers and it is envisaged that the OoC models with integrated lymphatics can be applied as a precision tool in the battle against immune-related diseases.

LymphChip consortium
Human disease and regenerative medicine models, including formats referred to as “organ-on-chip” (OoC), are increasingly regarded as powerful tools for drug discovery, safety pharmacology and efficacy testing, in both personalized and precision medicine. Developed over the past 10 years, they constitute an important new approach to medicine and towards the replacement of animal models. To date, however, OoC models lack the lymphatic and immune system, despite their essential role in health and disease.
We are pleased to announce that the LymphChip project has now officially started.
Project Manager:
Margot Beukers
Science Business Support
Project management for life sciences research projects including training and advice

The LymphChip consortium is funded by the NWA-ORC programme of the Dutch Research Council
(NWO; project number 1292.19.019)